
Natural and science-based…

In the body’s natural healing process, electrical potentials trigger the exchange and healthy balance of essential ions such as sodium, potassium and calcium.

At the correct frequencies, wave forms and intensity, pulsed electromagnetic activity can reset the electrical balance of damaged cells. It also stimulates blood flow to the area being treated, accelerating the healing process.

The OSKA Pulse is a wearable, low-intensity, low-frequency device, so you’re no longer limited to on-premises treatments. You can use OSKA to extend physiotherapy sessions and other pain remediation programs.

OSKA is clinically proven to reduce inflammation and improve healing, listed as a Class 2A medical device by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA; Australia) and as a Class 1 medical device by the Federal Drug Authority (FDA; USA).

Chronic pain

Users have shared their real-life experiences using OSKA


Drug-free pain relief for women suffering endometriosis.


How does this help people suffering from osteoarthritis?

Arthritic pain
Other conditions

Not sure if OSKA is right for you? We talk openly about that.

Sports injuries

Post-operative pain and recovery from sports injuries


For a small minority, OSKA is not suitable. Check here.


Complex regional pain syndrome; see also testimonials


Can Inflammation be a silent Killer?
