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Does a hand-held massage machine help with improved metabolism?

A massage unit can also relieve soreness and stress in the body by releasing tension and fluid deep in the muscles to enhance tissue metabolism.

“A massage unit can help a muscle and its thousands of fibers to relax and be less taut,” says Ogden. “This has been shown in many studies. In one 2013 study (opens in new tab), massage guns were found to significantly increase the flexibility of the hamstrings.”

A 2021 study also found that just 10 minutes use of a massage gun on the lower limbs could promote flexibility.

 Does a hand-held massage machine help with blood flow?

Applying a massage unit to an area on the body creates a sort of rippling effect along the skin, like waves,” explains Ogden. This enhances the rate of blood getting to the area, as 2014 research (opens in new tab) found.

“By boosting blood flow, the targeted muscle gets a greater rate of delivery of fresh blood with higher levels of oxygen and nutrients, both of which are essential for muscle recovery and healing,” he adds. “The increase can also contribute to reducing swelling and inflammation, as well as a host of other benefits.

Can I tone and increase muscle flexibility using the hand-held massage machine?

A massage unit can also relieve soreness and stress in the body by releasing tension and fluid deep in the muscles to enhance tissue metabolism.

“A massage unit can help a muscle and its thousands of fibers to relax and be less taut,” says Ogden. “This has been shown in many studies. In one 2013 study (opens in new tab), massage guns were found to significantly increase the flexibility of the hamstrings.”

A 2021 study also found that just 10 minutes use of a massage unit on the lower limbs could promote flexibility.

 Does a hand-held massage machine help with improving my immune system?

Massage units may help our bodies to fight infection because they give the lymphatic system a boost. This part of the body is responsible for our immunity, and its job is to protect us from illness and disease.

As well as fighting against infection, the lymphatic system moves lymph fluid from body tissues into the blood and gets rid of body waste and toxins.

“You may have heard of lymph nodes and these act as a filter – they are basically the body’s ‘waste disposal points’,” says Ogden. “They trap or destroy anything harmful that the body doesn’t need, sieving out lymph fluid and waste products such as lactic acid and de-oxygenated blood, which the body then expels or excretes via sweat, urine or bowel movements.”

By reducing the amount of lymph fluid in the body, the muscles can perform optimally and won’t feel as heavy after a workout.

Can the hand-held massage machine give temporary relief from headaches or be used to help with Joint pain such as Arthritis ?  

There have been limited scientific studies on the benefits of massage specifically for arthritis. From these studies, it appears that massage may have short term pain-relieving benefits for people with arthritis-related pain. Massage may also help to temporarily improve the mobility of joints and muscles affected by arthritis. However, massage will not reduce inflammation or joint damage from arthritis.

Massage will not cure your arthritis but may provide short-term pain relief, improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

Can the hand-held massage machine give temporary relief from neck and back pains?

Suffering from back and neck pain can seem relentless, and sometimes, you may want to tackle the pain at home along with your in-office chiropractic care appointments. A massage gun, when used properly, can be an effective addition to your back and neck pain care. It is a useful at-home tool for when your pain flares up and can be used alone or with a partner.

Can using the hand-held massage machine allow for better and easier relaxation and sleep?

When it comes to insomnia, the battle can be long and hard. Publications all over the net claim to have the next miracle cure or life hack. For those with chronic insomnia, life becomes an experiment, trying different methods out each night to find the holy grail.

One of the newest and most effective tools that insomniacs are using to combat their condition, is the use of good quality milti-directional vibrations based massage such as the Freedom Health hand held MATOBA DELUX 88 massage machine . This device, designed to relieve pain and improve recovery in the muscles, affects our central nervous system, down regulating and instilling an increased level of relaxation in the body

When used correctly, insomniacs are seeing incredible results, with lower sleep onset (the time it takes to fall asleep), better quality deep sleep, and even higher levels of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. When these three areas of sleep reach a higher quality, the level of recovery and alertness felt the next day is dramatically improved.

Can the hand-held massage machine help with muscle fatigue / recovery

DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is that achy or stiff feeling you get after intense, new or unfamiliar exercise.

“DOMs is a common by-product of exercise, typically through over training the muscle, trying a new exercise or eccentrically loading the muscle,” explains Ogden.

While you can’t avoid DOMS completely, several studies have revealed that massage unit can help to reduce the pain and soreness – in turn speeding up muscle recovery. One 2014 study (opens in new tab) found that the use of a massage gun for five minutes after an arm workout was significantly better at reducing post-training stiffness compared with a traditional massage